NSA Bewachungs- Detektei GmbH
Aredstraße 7/310
A - 2544 Leobersdorf
Kärntnerstr. 17/12
A - 1010 Vienna
SECURITY BUSINESS acc. to the valid version of § 340 (1) of the Austrian GewO 1994. Professional detective and surveillance company (personal and property security)
Name of company:
NSA Bewachungs- Detektei GmbH
Company form:
GmbH (private limited company)
Company registration no.:
FN 245641m
ATU 57849813
KSV Number:
Gerald Wöhrer
All information on our Internet site has been carefully checked. Our offers and information are continually expanded and updated. However, we cannot assume any guarantee for completeness, accuracy, and latest currency.
We have naturally checked and continue to check websites of other providers to which we have added links. Nevertheless, for all links on this website –we expressly state that we have no influence on the design and contents of linked sites. Should these websites, without our knowledge, change their contents after our check so that they present an “illegal activity” in the sense of §17 E-commerce law (BGBl. of 21 Dec. 2001), we expressly distance ourselves from these contents. This statement applies to all links from all pages on our website and for all contents to which links or banners may direct visitors.
According to Sect. 17 of the Austrian e-commerce law of 21 Dec. 2001 responsibility for external links is excluded as long as the provider is not aware of any “illegal activity” of the external provider. Since we – with several hundred links from our website to other providers – cannot constantly be informed of all linked websites, we request that you notify us of any “illegal activity” on sites to which we have links.
Homepage Administration & Design:
Cogito-it Datacenter Systemhaus GmbH
Robert Follerstrasse 10
A - 2486 Pottendorf
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
The general terms of business of NSA- Bewachungs- Detektei GmbH apply